
Pro Risk

Construction Skills


Knauf MP75 Spray Plaster
Float and Set
Traditional Plaster
Fibrous Plaster
Modern Plaster
Drywall Systems
Lath, Sand / Lime Plaster
Horse Hair Plaster
Ornamental plastering
Cornice & ceiling roses
The term float and set refer to the traditional style of plastering sometimes known as wet plastering.
This system requires 2 coats, the first coat being a wet undercoat plaster. When the undercoat plaster has set to a semi firm state, a skim finish coat is then applied. This plastering method is often used in buildings such as Schools and Hospitals due to its high durability.
Fibrous plaster can be used for all cornice, ornamental and moulding requirements using traditional methods, such as running the cornice on site or using any style of moulding off the shelf.
This modern gypsum based method of plastering is typically applied to new buildings, extensions or where a thermal upgrade is required. Dabs of plasterboard adhesive are applied to a wall and the plasterboard is then positioned on top. The boards are then levelled and made plumb giving a flat surface ready for the finish coat. When dry this method has an extremely strong bond to the wall. The joints between the plasterboard sheets are then covered with scrim (a tape to prevent cracking over the plasterboard joints) and a thin application of a gypsum based plaster is applied.
Alternatively a tape and joint system can be offered, using tapered-edge boards, tape and fill over the joints and nail holes. The surfaces are then sanded before painting. This is a fast and crack-free process, however leaves a rough, matt finish.
Call GC Interfinish Ltd today to discuss your requirements.
Plastering & Drylining
GC Interfinish Ltd offer an extensive range of high quality, durable internal plastering solutions. With a broad spectrum of materials and techniques, ranging from the modern dot, dab and skim systems to sand and lime plasters, applied to restoration works on listed buildings.
We offer a machine applied product as an alternative to hand applied plaster when programme/project times are of the essence. Coverage is up to 3 times faster than traditional hand applied methods. MP75 plaster can be applied directly to blockwork, uneven in-situ concrete or thin joint blockwork.
This system offers significant savings in terms of time, whilst still providing a flawless finish.
Drylining is a frequently used modern alternative to traditional wet plaster. Although wet plaster is still favoured by many, drylining has its advantages in that it offers speedy installation with no drying period or cracks, thus being an attractive alternative when tight project deadlines are of the essence.
GC Interfinish Ltd offer a wide range of high performance boards and systems for even the most demanding of environments.
In addition we have a team on-board specifically trained and highly qualified in Drywall installations.
Performance boards available
Plasterboard (cost effective board providing standard performance)
Insulated board (additional insulating foam within the board providing thermal insulation to a room)
Damp proof board (damp proof membrane to the rear side of the board)
Moisture resistant board (plaster is resistant to moisture ingress)
Sound insulation board (specifically designed to reduce noise transmission)
Fire resistant board (Enhanced fire resistance)
Impact resistant (Specially toughened core)